want to become a better artist?
Dreaming about starting your own paint party business?
Are you Already teaching paint parties but need some new on-trend designs?
This membership is for you!
Step-by Step Painting Tutorials that Teach You How to Paint like a Pro!
Get access to my complete library of painting tutorials, supply lists, and tracers that you can use for personal or business use
I'll share everything you need to know to build your own profitable business!
As a member of
painted faith
You'll get access to my complete library of paintings, video tutorials, supply lists and printable templates to use for your own personal artistic growth or in your own paint party business. What's even more cool is that you'll be a part of a community of creatives and entrepreneurs who encourage and support each other through sharing their experience and wisdom. It's a place where we celebrate every success!
As an active monthly member you can use the paintings for:
1. Personal use (have fun learning to become a better artist)
2. Teaching others online or in-person (for profit or free-that part's up to you)
3. Creating painting kits (I'll show you how and give you links to the best supplies)
4. Selling paintings you create using these designs
(The Membership is now closed)
Join the Waiting List for
painted faith
You'll be the first to know when I open the doors to the membership, it will be opening soon!!
The membership will open at $27 a month.
Not ready for the membership but still want to get the latest info?
Sign up here to be put on our email list
(don't worry, we're not spammy)